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In Loving Memory...


Penelope du Mombas de la Valterie


(1st August 1999 - 31st March 2012)


















Penelope is the boston who made this all happen, the girl who made me really discover the breed and realize my house would never be home again without a Boston...


Never in my life have I met a dog, whatever the breed, with such charisma ! She was so full of life and energy, & packed with such a great sense of humour that she filled our hearts with joy. Despite being for years the smallest dog of the house, she had such a strong character she made sure she always got what she wanted and the other dogs sure knew not to mess with her ! Her kindness and dedication to her family, the way she took part to everything we did - & preferably cooking ! -, her continuous enthousiasm and her cheeky ways made everybody love her !


It is impossible to tell it all here, but she really turned our world upside down and her loss left us devastated. It's still very hard for us to talk about her without tears invading our eyes but she will remain in our hearts forever...

© 2016 Nice Dog / Du Rocher des Ducs. All rights reserved.



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